
The stress of everyday life is much harder than it seemed to be a decade ago. Our world alone is unpredictable and at times feels as if we are living in constant vulnerability. Then, of course, we add on our own personal stressors and feel completely overwhelmed. Oftentimes we realize that talking with someone about these ongoing stressors might be helpful, but then how do we justify paying for therapy when there are bills to pay and food to put on the table. And how can talking about these things help anyway when there is so much that we don't have control over? We might also ask  "even if I wanted to make the world a better place, where would I start when there's so much pain, destruction, and despair?" I too ask myself these questions, especially the latter after watching the world news on television.

My personal and professional experience has taught me that if we put our needs first, with unconditional love and an open heart, we can truly begin to believe and trust that, not only do I matter, but so does everyone and everything around me. Hope begins to grow, things appear less complicated, and more energy becomes available to persevere. First though, I have to believe in me and my unique individuality as a Human Being and work at letting go of being a Human Doing; not an easy challenge when the world tends to support "doing" over "being."

Strength in the past seemed to come to us from without, now strength has to come from within. Journeying inward to find our distinctive "self" can conquer our worst fears through enlightenment of what it means in today's world to be Human. Judgment, criticism, and negativity become extinct outwardly because we no longer carry these burdens about ourselves inwardly. Is this journey easy? Not always. But, is it worth it? Absolutely Why? Because if we can't love and accept ourselves unconditionally, how can we accept and love others unconditionally?

Communication breaks down, especially with those we hold dearest, because our life's pain has hardened our hearts. Trusting that we can heal our wounds of the past through kindness, understanding, and acceptance strengthens our capacity to meet others with the same kindness, understanding, and acceptance. Would healing our wounds of this life not also begin to heal the wounds of the world? My own life's personal journey and bringing the experience and knowledge of this journey to my professional realm has shown this to be true.

Healing is an individual journey. No process or progress can be compared to another. We live in a fix-it/toss-it/buy-a-new one world. Commitments are easily forgotten, relationships are torn apart through anger and hurt, "left hanging" with no closure (only to be picked-up anew where left off), and single-parent families are higher than ever. Knowing what it is to be Human, helps us to meet other Human Beings with warmth, understanding, and concern without losing our unique individuality, e.g. our own sense of self .

If you have had or have a yearning to discover a stronger sense of " who am I on this journey of life" and would like some support in searching for your truth, I would be honored to travel with you. Healing the wounded heart can release one from the depths of darkness caught in hopelessness. regret, and despair and allow for the light, strength, love, and hope of the now to thrive . P lease call or e-mail me today for a consultation. The hardest step is the first step; but your willingness to take that step, boldly states "I MATTER," and the healing begins!

verified by Psychology Today

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